Saturday, November 6, 2010


Hey Rach! You are probably the only person that reads this blog :D

Seeing how difficult it is for us to maintain a friendship due to differences in time zone and your hectic schedule (you know, saving lives is pretty time consuming :D), I thought why not get my message across through my blog instead of text messaging you (which is super expensive) or leaving you offline MSN messages.

I really want to tell you that I appreciate your friendship greatly. I don't stay in touch with many people from CPT days and I don't pretend to be all buddy buddy with them when I do see them (virtually or otherwise) but with you, I take the time and effort to stay in touch. You and I share the same cynical outlook in life. We're both realists yet sometimes I wonder if we're trully optimists in disguise. I guess we're balanced. Not always happy, but we're somewhat hopeful. We believe that there is more to life than just the whole idealized white picket fences, four wheel drive and a family pet dream.

I miss our nights hanging out at Bagan bad mouthing teenage wannabees. You are loud, you are crazy, you are funny, you are a genius but most importantly, you have been an amazing friend to me all these years. I treasure what we have and I will always, always hold a place for you in my heart even if we do eventually drift apart.