Saturday, January 15, 2011

covenant of love...

Everyone's either getting married or pregnant these days. I guess this is nature's way to ensure continuation of humankind. Me, personally, I am impartial towards the idea of marriage. Staying together with another male person for the next 50 years of my life doesn't really sound appealing. It's comfortable sure, but haven't we all heard the old adage "familiarity breeds contempt?"

In my ideal world, if by some miracle or divine intervention, I do eventually decide to say "I do" to some unfortunate guy, I sure as hell do not want a big wedding with the white, poufy dress, plastering on some fake smile on my face the entire day. No expensive photograph sessions at some pseudo glamarous location, gazing into each other eyes with adoration and admiration either. Memories are not captured by expensive cameras and photographs, contrary to what Kodak and Canon would advertise, but instead, the heart. If I had it my way, I would rather just have the legal ceremony without all that other pomp and circumstance. Why should the declaration of infinite and eternal love be reduced to a parade? Shouldn't it be the marriage that counts and not the wedding day itself?

I guess all my indifference towards this overrated social institution in life stems from childhood. My parents were incompatible in 188 ways, my father was a habitual gambler and my mother, a suffering housewife. Nothing crushes spirit, romance, love and even life the way poverty does. While she doesn't discourage me to get hitched, she never blatantly encourages it either (the way other mothers who probably had happier unions would).

Let's not let society and tradition dictate how we should live. Let's not succumb to the pressures and expectations of other people. Let's all choose the kind of lives we really want - even if it may seem unimaginable to narrow minded bigots.

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