Wednesday, January 5, 2011

a leap of faith

My manager at work is one of the biggest cowards I've ever had the misfortune to work with. She runs away at any sign of problems and she throws her staff to face the wrath of our Partner whenever a crisis arise. Needless to say, as a result of her unreasonable self defense strategies, she lands herself in a bigger soup than she would if she had just owned up to her mistakes and take the bullet in the very first place.

It's people like her that make me realize that sometimes, the more we protect ourselves, the more we end up getting hurt. After all, our lives are governed by forces that we have absolutely no control over. Divine intervention, fate, destiny. As much as we can plan and design, we cannot decide or confirm the outcome of our lives. Which is why I think it's best to just let go...and to find the strength within ourselves to go on, under all circumstances, to take a leap of faith and to trust in life itself; that there will be ups and downs, joy and sadness, good days, bad days, success and failures, wealth and poverty; after all, this too shall pass.

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