Sunday, November 27, 2011

innate ramblings

I went for a facial today and now, it looks like there are a handful of red spots on the left side of my forehead :(. Sighh....I am so envious of those girls with dewy, rosy, blemish free, glowing complexion. Why is the state of my skin deteriorating and what can I do to rectify this problem?

A few weeks ago, when the SEA games were still going on, one of the dispatch guys in my office told his colleague "Eh, you tak nampak ke...KW dalam televisyen?" KW refers to a national volleyball player who also happens to be my cubicle mate. I don't know why but I kind of found this exchange cute. Number one, the dispatch guy is in his 50s and number two, he is Malay and KW is Chinese. Moments like these convinces me that the spirit of 1 Malaysia is more than a propaganda instigated by the government, but rather something real and achievable.

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